"This notice, made the ... day of ......, ...., concerns the trust indenture or mortgage attached and described as follows:
Name of borrower: ..........
Name of lienholder: ..........
Name of loan servicer: ..........
Recording information concerning the trust indenture or mortgage, including the entry number, book number, and page number: ..........
Pursuant to the Unit Ownership Act contained in Title 70, chapter 23, MCA, the undersigned unit owner intends to convert a condominium affected by a mortgage or a trust indenture located at .......... to a townhome or townhouse.
Unless the lienholder within 120 days of the date of this notice records its objection pursuant to 70-23-1101, MCA, with the office of the county clerk and recorder of the county in which the property is situated and mails notification of its objection by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the unit owner at the address specified on this notice, the unit owner will consent to the conversion on behalf of the lienholder for the mortgage or trust indenture described in this notice.
Pursuant to 70-23-1101(2)(a), MCA, the unit owner has included the following attachments:
......... (Signature of unit owner)
......... (Address of unit owner)"
§ 70-23-1102, MCA