Notice is hereby given by the trustees of School District No. .............. of.............. County, state of Montana, that pursuant to a certain resolution adopted at a meeting of the board of trustees of the school district held on the.............. day of.............., .............., an election of the registered electors of School District No............... of.............. County, state of Montana, will be held on the.............. day of.............., .............., at.............. for the purpose of voting upon the question of whether or not the trustees may issue and sell (state here: general obligation, oil and natural gas revenue, oil and natural gas revenue for which a tax deficiency is pledged, or impact aid revenue) bonds of the school district in the amount of.............. dollars ($..............), payable semiannually, for the purpose of.............. (here state purpose). The bonds to be issued will be payable in installments over a period not exceeding.............. (state number) years.
The polls will be open from.............. o'clock ......m. and until.............. o'clock ......m. of the election day.
Dated and posted this....... day of.............
Presiding officer, School District No...............
of................... County
§ 20-9-427, MCA