Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 542.400 - Definitions
- Section 542.402 - Penalty for illegal wiretapping, permitted activities
- Section 542.404 - Application for an order - authorization by attorney general - approval by judge, probable cause required
- Section 542.406 - Disclosure of contents - privileged communications
- Section 542.408 - Application, contents - ex parte order issued, when, contents, extensions granted, when - reports, court may require, when - pen registers, who may request - communication, common carriers may provide aid, immunity from suit, compensation
- Section 542.410 - Recording of contents, required, how, custody of, duplication, destruction of - applications and orders sealed by court, disclosure, when, destruction of - penalty - notice to persons named in order, when, right to inspect and copy contents
- Section 542.412 - Contents may be used as evidence, when - disclosure of additional evidence to defendant
- Section 542.414 - Suppression of contents, grounds - right of state to appeal suppression motion, when
- Section 542.416 - Reports to state courts administrator required, when, contents, who must report - state courts administrator to report to general assembly, when - rules and regulations
- Section 542.418 - Use of contents of wiretap in civil action, limitations on - illegal wiretap, cause of action, damages, attorney fees and costs - good faith reliance on court order a prima facie defense
- Section 542.420 - Evidence obtained in violation of law may not be used
- Section 542.422 - Injunctions of felony violations of sections 542.400 to 542.424, procedure