Section 362.106 - Additional powersIn addition to the powers authorized by section 362.105:
(1) A bank or trust company may exercise all powers necessary, proper or convenient to effect any of the purposes for which the bank or trust company has been formed and any powers incidental to the business of banking;(2) A bank or trust company may offer any direct and indirect benefits to a bank customer for the purpose of attracting deposits or making loans, provided said benefit is not otherwise prohibited by law, and the income or expense of such activity is nominal;(3) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, every bank or trust company created under the laws of this state may, for a fee or other consideration, directly or through a subsidiary company, and upon complying with any applicable licensing statute, acquire and hold the voting stock of one or more corporations the activities of which are managing or owning agricultural property, owning and leasing governmental structures except as limited by other law, subdividing and developing real property and building residential housing or commercial improvements on such property, and owning, renting, leasing, managing, operating for income and selling such property; provided that, the total of all investments, loans and guarantees made pursuant to the authority of this subdivision shall not exceed five percent of the total assets of the bank or trust company as shown on the next preceding published report of such bank or trust company to the director of finance, or obtained by the director pursuant to subsection 3 of section 361.130, unless the director of the division of finance approves a higher percentage by regulation, but in no event shall such percentage exceed that allowed national banks by the appropriate regulatory authority, and, in addition to the investments permitted by this subdivision, a bank or trust company may extend credit, not to exceed the lending limits of section 362.170, to each of the corporations in which it has invested. No provision of this section authorizes a bank, nondepository trust company, or trust company to own or operate, directly or through a subsidiary company, a real estate brokerage company;(4) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary except for bank regulatory powers in chapter 361, powers incidental to the business of banking shall include the authority of every Missouri bank, for a fee or other consideration, and upon complying with any applicable licensing and registration law, to conduct any activity that national banks are expressly authorized by federal law to conduct, if such Missouri bank meets the prescribed standards, provided that powers conferred by this subdivision:(a) Shall always be subject to the same limitations applicable to a national bank for conducting the activity;(b) Shall be subject to applicable Missouri insurance law;(c) Shall be subject to applicable Missouri licensing and registration law for the activity;(d) Shall be subject to the same treatment prescribed by federal law; and any enabling federal law declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction or by the responsible federal chartering agency shall be invalid for the purposes of this subdivision; and(e) May be exercised by a Missouri bank after that institution has notified the director of its intention to exercise such specific power at the close of the notice period and the director, in response, has made a determination that the proposed activity is not an unsafe or unsound practice and such institution meets the prescribed standards required for the activity permitted national banks in the interpretive letter. The director may either take no action or issue an interpretive letter to the institution more specifically describing the activity permitted, and any limitations on such activity. The notice provided by the institution requesting such activity shall include copies of the specific law authorizing the power for national banks, and documentation indicating that such institution meets the prescribed standards. The notice period shall be thirty days but the director may extend it for an additional sixty days. After a determination has been made authorizing any activity pursuant to this subdivision, any Missouri bank may exercise such power as provided in subdivision (5) of this section without giving notice;(5) When a determination is made pursuant to paragraph (e) of subdivision (4) of this section, the director shall issue a public interpretative letter or statement of no action regarding the specific power authorized pursuant to subdivision (4) of this section; such interpretative letters and statements of no action shall be made with the name of the specific institution and related identifying facts deleted. Such interpretative letters and statements of no action shall be published on the division of finance public internet website, and filed with the office of the secretary of state for ten days prior to effectiveness. Any other Missouri bank may exercise any power approved by interpretative letter or statement of no action of the director pursuant to this subdivision; provided, the institution meets the requirements of the interpretative letter or statement of no action and the prescribed standards required for the activity permitted national banks in the interpretive letter. Such Missouri bank shall not be required to give the notice pursuant to paragraph (e) of subdivision (4) of this section. For the purposes of this subdivision and subdivision (4) of this section, "activity" shall mean the offering of any product or service or the conducting of any other activity; "federal law" shall mean any federal statute or regulation or an interpretive letter issued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; "Missouri bank" shall mean any bank or trust company created pursuant to the laws of this state.L. 1981 S.B. 28, A.L. 1985 S.B. 52, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1456, A.L. 2001 H.B. 738 merged with S.B. 186, A.L. 2002 S.B. 895, A.L. 2003H.B. 221 merged with S.B. 346