- Section 334.400 - Definitions
- Section 334.402 - Anesthesiologist assistants, may assist in anesthesia care plan for patients, activities authorized and prohibited - identification, assistants and students - faculty members of anesthesia program, requirements
- Section 334.404 - Licensure, application, fee, contents - license duration - renewal - lost or stolen license, replacement of
- Section 334.406 - Temporary license issued, when, procedure
- Section 334.408 - Inactive license status granted, when - return to active status, procedure
- Section 334.410 - Retirement, affidavit to be filed with board - renewal of registration for resumption of practice
- Section 334.412 - Licensure without examination permitted, when - reciprocal compacts permitted
- Section 334.414 - Certificate of registration issued, when - rules promulgated by board - authority of board - complaint procedure - penalty
- Section 334.416 - Renewal of certificate of registration, when, procedure, fee
- Section 334.418 - Certificate required to practice, not required, when
- Section 334.420 - Continuing education requirements, waiver of requirements, when
- Section 334.422 - Fees, deposit in board of registration for the healing arts fund, use of funds
- Section 334.424 - Supervision required by anesthesiologist, limitations - written practice protocol required
- Section 334.426 - Hospitals may limit function of anesthesiologist assistants, procedure
- Section 334.428 - Anesthesiologist assistant, use of title permitted, when - penalty
- Section 334.430 - Advisory commission for anesthesiologist assistants established, duties, members, qualifications, terms, vacancies, compensation, annual meetings