Mo. Rev. Stat. § 332.211
The board shall grant without examination a certificate of registration and a license to a dentist who has been licensed in another state for at least five consecutive years immediately preceding his applying, if the board is satisfied by proof adduced by the applicant that his qualifications are at least equivalent to the requirements for initial registration as a dentist in Missouri under the provisions of this chapter, that he is at least twenty-one years of age and is of good moral character and reputation; provided that the board may by rule require an applicant under this section to take any examination over Missouri laws given to dentists initially seeking licensure under section 332.151 and to take a practical examination if his licensure in any state was ever denied, revoked or suspended for incompetency or inability to practice in a safe manner, or if he has failed any practical examination given as a prerequisite to licensure as a dentist in any state. Any such dentist applying to be so registered and licensed shall accompany his application with a fee not greater than the dental examination and license fees and if registered and licensed shall renew his license as provided in section 332.181.
§ 332.211, RSMo