- Section 266.500 - Short title
- Section 266.505 - Definitions
- Section 266.510 - Sale of noncomplying material prohibited - exception
- Section 266.515 - Permit required, annual expiration date
- Section 266.520 - Certification to be filed, when, contents - fee - funds collected, how used
- Section 266.525 - Quality standards for agricultural liming materials
- Section 266.530 - Samples, how taken, number required
- Section 266.535 - Samples, how analyzed, results to producer and director
- Section 266.540 - Certification of analysis - final responsibility for effectiveness with producer
- Section 266.543 - Advisory council, appointment, qualifications, terms, expenses, duties, vacancies
- Section 266.545 - Rules, procedure - director's powers
- Section 266.550 - Instrument of sale, information to be shown on