Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 260.300 - Regions, division of state into - procedures, purpose
- Section 260.302 - County may apply for change in region, when, procedures
- Section 260.305 - Creation of district, procedures - boundaries, limitations - petition to establish - district a body corporate and politic, when - election
- Section 260.310 - Contractual authority, powers
- Section 260.315 - Council, selection of members, terms - meetings - powers - selection of executive board, terms
- Section 260.320 - Executive board, meetings, selection of officers - powers, duties - contractual authority
- Section 260.324 - Grants, familial relationships not a disqualifier - voting restrictions
- Section 260.325 - Solid waste management plan, submitted to department, contents, procedures - approval, revision of plan - funds may be made available, purpose - audits
- Section 260.330 - Landfill fee, amount - solid waste management fund, created, purpose - department to enforce - transfer station, fee charged - free disposal day, notice
- Section 260.335 - Distribution of fund moneys, uses - grants, distribution of moneys - advisory board, solid waste, duties
- Section 260.345 - Solid waste advisory board, members - qualifications - duties and powers - removal of board member for failure to attend meetings, when - report - meetings