Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 701.025 - Definitions
- Section 701.027 - Scope of coverage
- Section 701.029 - Operation of on-site sewage disposal system, restrictions
- Section 701.031 - Disposal of sewage, who, how, exception
- Section 701.033 - Department of health and senior services - powers and duties - rules, procedure
- Section 701.035 - Local regulations and standards, requirements - private right to action not preempted
- Section 701.037 - Violations, notice of, contents, prosecuting attorney to institute proceedings, when - emergency situation, when
- Section 701.038 - Sewage complaints, investigation by department, when - right to inspect adjoining property, procedure requiring notice, exception
- Section 701.039 - Clean water commission may take action, rules not to conflict
- Section 701.040 - Standards for sewage tanks, lateral lines and operation of on-site sewage disposal systems, duties of department - rules authorized
- Section 701.043 - State standards, content
- Section 701.046 - Modification or major repair to on-site sewage disposal system, requirements - form - fee, how set - additional fee may be set for training contractors performing percolation tests
- Section 701.047 - City or county may adopt more restrictive standards
- Section 701.048 - Modifying or repair of on-site sewage disposal system, noncompliance with standards prohibited
- Section 701.049 - Fees collected by department to be deposited in public health service fund, purpose
- Section 701.050 - Construction or repair notice - requirements and inspection - failure to comply with standards, effect
- Section 701.051 - Inspections by department, who may request - fee - department may license contractors to inspect
- Section 701.052 - Violator found guilty not to begin construction for another person without bond or letter of credit - forfeiture when, effect - emergency repairs of - effect
- Section 701.053 - Registered on-site disposal system contractor, form, qualifications - registration issued by county to be deemed state registration
- Section 701.054 - Registration of contractor may be denied, suspended or revoked, procedure, appeal - reregistration application may be made when - official roster of contractors published by department, content
- Section 701.055 - Property owners may install, modify or clean their own on-site sewage disposal system in compliance with requirements, no permit required for cleaning
- Section 701.057 - Violations, penalties and fines
- Section 701.058 - [Repealed]
- Section 701.059 - Creation of a nuisance on certain residential property is an infraction - sewage disposal system in violation, statute of limitations starts to run, when