- Section 643.010 - Short title
- Section 643.020 - Definitions
- Section 643.030 - Intent of law - commission to control air pollution
- Section 643.040 - Air conservation commission created - members, terms, expenses, meetings
- Section 643.050 - Powers and duties of commission - rules, procedure
- Section 643.055 - Commission may adopt rules for compliance with federal law - suspension, reinstatement - exemption, limitations - regulation of residential wood burning heaters or appliances prohibited without legislative authorization
- Section 643.060 - Powers and duties of director
- Section 643.070 - Commission to adopt rules, notice - public hearing
- Section 643.073 - Procedure for submission of applications, fee
- Section 643.075 - Construction without permit prohibited - denial, appeal, procedure - fee, exemption - natural resources protection fund, air pollution permit fee subaccount - city or county permit granted, effect
- Section 643.076 - Sections not to apply to locomotives, exception
- Section 643.077 - Operating and construction permits, transferability
- Section 643.078 - Operation without permit prohibited - single permit for multiple sources - information to be submitted, time period - validation of permit, terms and conditions - time period - director shall enforce federal standards - appeal - city or county permit granted, effect
- Section 643.079 - Fees, amount - deposit of moneys, where, subaccount to be maintained - civil action for failure to remit fees, effect upon permit - agencies, determination of fees - fee structure revision
- Section 643.080 - Investigations, when made - violation, how eliminated - hearing, procedure - final order, notice of
- Section 643.085 - Administrative penalties, assessment, restriction - conference, conciliation and persuasion - rules - payment - appeal - collection, disposition
- Section 643.090 - Generalized condition, emergency risk, what action taken - nongeneralized condition, cease and desist order - injunctive relief, priority in court
- Section 643.100 - Testimony at hearings, how recorded - subpoenas, how issued - rules hearings, how held - other hearings, how held - final orders, how approved
- Section 643.110 - Commission may grant, modify and revoke variances - director to make recommendation, when
- Section 643.120 - Commission shall act upon request - decision rendered, when - action to compel completion of proceedings
- Section 643.130 - Judicial review
- Section 643.140 - Political subdivisions not preempted in field of air pollution - certificate of authority to issue permits and variances, grounds for revocation
- Section 643.151 - Violations, penalties, notice - civil action - offer of settlement, method - disclosure of confidential information, penalty
- Section 643.161 - State or political subdivisions contracting with persons not having a permit or in contempt of court prohibited
- Section 643.170 - Existing penalties not to be impaired - no actionable rights created, exceptions
- Section 643.173 - Small business technical assistance program established, duties - advisory committee created, members, appointment, terms, compensation, duties
- Section 643.175 - Small business ombudsman, duties - appointment
- Section 643.190 - Department to be air pollution agency for purposes of federal air pollution control acts
- Section 643.191 - Violation of certain requirements unlawful, penalty - false statements unlawful, penalty
- Section 643.192 - Evaluation of costs of compliance - department to tabulate information - report filed, with whom, when
- Section 643.210 - Rules, promulgation
- Section 643.220 - Missouri emissions banking and trading program established by commission - promulgation of rules