- Section 307.130 - Safety glass defined
- Section 307.135 - Director not to license vehicle without safety glass
- Section 307.140 - Safety glass on vehicles for hire and school buses
- Section 307.145 - Sale of vehicles without safety glass prohibited
- Section 307.150 - List of approved glass
- Section 307.155 - Violation a misdemeanor
- Section 307.160 - Revocation of permit by public service commission
- Section 307.165 - Seat safety belts standard equipment, when - penalty
- Section 307.170 - Other equipment of motor vehicles - violations, penalty
- Section 307.171 - Studded tires, prohibited when - penalty
- Section 307.172 - Altering passenger motor vehicle by raising front or rear of vehicle prohibited, when - bumpers front and rear required, when, exemptions - violations not to pass inspection - penalty
- Section 307.173 - Specifications for sun-screening device applied to windshield or windows - permit required, when - exceptions - rules, procedure - violations, penalty
- Section 307.175 - Sirens and flashing lights, use of, when - permits - violation, penalty
- Section 307.177 - Transporting hazardous materials, equipment required - federal physical requirements not applicable, when - violations, penalty
- Section 307.178 - Seat belts required for passenger cars - passenger cars defined - exceptions - failure to comply, effect on evidence and damages, admissible as evidence, when - penalty - passengers in car exceeding number of seat belts not violation for failure to use
- Section 307.179 - Definitions - transporting children under sixteen years of age, restraint systems - penalty - exceptions - program of public information