Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 230.200 - Alternative form authorized in certain counties
- Section 230.205 - Alternative form effective, when - abolished how
- Section 230.210 - Petition, where filed, contents - form of ballot
- Section 230.215 - Clerk to certify returns
- Section 230.220 - Commission membership, districts - members, election of - compensation and mileage, funds used for - vacancies, how filled
- Section 230.225 - Township and special road districts abolished, when - districts in more than one county, how handled
- Section 230.230 - Powers of commission
- Section 230.235 - Road plan, who shall prepare - approval by state highways and transportation commission required
- Section 230.240 - Highway engineer - qualifications, exception - appointment, powers - free service to municipalities - compensation from road and bridge fund (third class counties)
- Section 230.245 - Priority of roads by usage
- Section 230.250 - County highway commission may designate certain roads as part of supplemental state highway system - state highways and transportation commission to approve
- Section 230.255 - Twenty-five percent refund of road and bridge tax to cities, towns and villages required
- Section 230.260 - Special named district in two or more counties, effect of