- Section 196.520 - Short title
- Section 196.525 - Definitions
- Section 196.527 - Purposes
- Section 196.530 - Standards to be maintained
- Section 196.540 - Administration by state milk board - rules, promulgation - exempt products
- Section 196.542 - Fees for licenses
- Section 196.545 - Unlawful sale of dairy products
- Section 196.550 - Grading of products - right to protest accuracy, procedure
- Section 196.555 - The state milk board's right of access
- Section 196.560 - Records of purchases and sales
- Section 196.565 - The state milk board may take samples
- Section 196.570 - Condemnation of illegal dairy products
- Section 196.575 - Unidentified products subject to seizure
- Section 196.580 - Confiscated products released to owner, when
- Section 196.585 - Inspection, interference prohibited
- Section 196.590 - Suspension or revocation of licenses
- Section 196.595 - Substandard products, sale or production prohibited
- Section 196.610 - Penalty for violation
- Section 196.612 - Contract with the United States Department of Agriculture to inspect plants and grade products
- Section 196.614 - State contracted manufacturing dairy plant inspection and grading fee fund - purpose - interest - unexpended balance, transfer to general revenue prohibited