- Section 143.481 - Persons required to make returns of income
- Section 143.491 - Returns by husband and wife
- Section 143.501 - Returns by fiduciary and partnership
- Section 143.511 - Time and place for filing returns and paying tax, exception
- Section 143.521 - Declarations of estimated tax
- Section 143.531 - Time for filing declaration of estimated tax
- Section 143.541 - Payments of estimated tax
- Section 143.551 - Extension of time for filing and payment
- Section 143.561 - Signing of returns and other documents
- Section 143.571 - Requirements - returns, notices, records, and statements
- Section 143.581 - Partnership returns
- Section 143.591 - Information returns
- Section 143.601 - Report of change in federal taxable income