- Section 143.111 - Missouri taxable income
- Section 143.113 - Deduction for health insurance costs of self-employed individuals, rules
- Section 143.114 - Deduction for sales or exchanges of employer securities to a qualified Missouri employee stock ownership plan - information provided to former employees upon separation
- Section 143.118 - Health care sharing ministry deduction - rulemaking authority
- Section 143.119 - Federal health insurance deduction, state tax credit - rulemaking authority - sunset provision
- Section 143.121 - Missouri adjusted gross income
- Section 143.123 - Taxes on annuities, pensions and retirement allowances, subtraction per taxpayer, maximums per year or six-month period
- Section 143.124 - Annuities, pensions, retirement benefits, or retirement allowances provided by state, United States, political subdivisions or any other state, Keogh plans, annuities from defined pension plans and IRAs, amounts subtracted from Missouri adjusted gross income
- Section 143.125 - Social Security benefits income tax exemption - amount - rulemaking authority
- Section 143.127 - Deduction for restitution received by victims of National Socialist (Nazi) persecution
- Section 143.131 - Missouri standard deduction, when used, amount
- Section 143.141 - Itemized deductions, when authorized, how computed
- Section 143.143 - Provisions of sections 143.131 and 143.141 effective, when
- Section 143.151 - Missouri personal exemptions
- Section 143.161 - Missouri dependency exemptions
- Section 143.171 - Federal income tax deduction, amount, corporate and individual taxpayers
- Section 143.173 - Tax deduction for job creation by small businesses, definitions, amount, procedure, sunset date
- Section 143.174 - Tax deduction for compensation received as an active duty military member
- Section 143.175 - Military personnel, reserves and inactive duty training, deduction, amount
- Section 143.177 - Missouri working family tax credit act - definitions - tax credit for percentage of federal earned income tax credit - department duties - annual report - rulemaking authority