Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 87.005 - Firefighters, certain diseases presumed incurred in line of duty - conditions - infectious disease defined
- Section 87.006 - Firefighters, certain diseases presumed incurred in line of duty - persons covered - disability from cancer, presumption suffered in line of duty, when - infectious disease defined
- Section 87.010 - Fund for pensioning firemen - treasurer of corporation ex officio treasurer of fund - cities other than first class to ratify
- Section 87.015 - How certain cities may be included in these provisions
- Section 87.020 - Creating board of trustees
- Section 87.025 - Duties and powers of board - assessment of members
- Section 87.030 - Rewards and gifts to pension fund
- Section 87.035 - Trustees may invest fund
- Section 87.040 - Disposition of interest - duties of legislative body of city
- Section 87.045 - Eligibility for and payment of a disability pension
- Section 87.050 - Death benefits, amount - eligibility - limitations
- Section 87.055 - Law applicable to whom
- Section 87.060 - Retirement pension, eligibility for and payment of
- Section 87.063 - Health care benefits for retirees - separate fund established for benefits and premiums - application by retiree to be special consultant, compensation to fund benefits
- Section 87.065 - Payments prorated when funds are insufficient
- Section 87.070 - Pension fund custodian
- Section 87.075 - Warrants, upon whom drawn
- Section 87.080 - Warrants, how drawn
- Section 87.085 - Annual report of condition of fund
- Section 87.090 - Fund exempt from execution
- Section 87.095 - Funeral expenses to be paid
- Section 87.100 - Relief associations may, by vote of members, amalgamate with board of trustees
- Section 87.105 - Penalty for misrepresentation