Beginning at the northwest corner of township thirty-six, range seventeen, west; thence east with the township line between townships thirty-six and thirty-seven to the top of the ridge dividing the waters of the Dry Auglaize from the Wet Auglaize; thence southeast on the middle of said ridge separating the waters of the Wet Auglaize from Bear Creek, until it strikes the range line between ranges thirteen and fourteen; thence south with the range line between ranges thirteen and fourteen to the southeast corner of township thirty-five, range fourteen, west; thence on a straight line to the southeast corner of section sixteen, township thirty-four, range twelve; thence south with the subdivisional lines to the southeast corner of section sixteen, township thirty-two, range twelve; thence west with the subdivisional lines to the southwest corner of section eighteen, township thirty-two, range seventeen; thence north with the range line between ranges seventeen and eighteen to the place of beginning.
§ 46.102, RSMo