- Section 21.010 - Meeting of the general assembly
- Section 21.020 - Joint meeting of senate and house, where held
- Section 21.030 - What officer shall preside - contempt - rules
- Section 21.040 - Members of either house may be punished for contempt
- Section 21.050 - Presiding officer may order detention of person disturbing meeting
- Section 21.060 - Majority necessary to a choice in elections
- Section 21.070 - Qualifications of senators
- Section 21.080 - Qualifications of representatives
- Section 21.090 - Vacancy, how filled
- Section 21.110 - Governor shall issue writs of election, when
- Section 21.120 - Writs of election, how directed
- Section 21.130 - Duty of election authority on receipt of writ
- Section 21.140 - Compensation of members - additional compensation of officers - mileage allowance
- Section 21.145 - Member's daily expense allowance - when paid
- Section 21.150 - Legislative employees - compensation, how set - rejection of rates by legislature, effect of
- Section 21.155 - Legislative employees, number, how determined
- Section 21.160 - Legislative furniture and equipment, how inventoried - employment of custodians authorized
- Section 21.170 - Expense of serving process - witnesses' fees
- Section 21.180 - No allowance, except per diem
- Section 21.183 - Freshman tour of state institutions by newly elected members - expenses
- Section 21.187 - Freshman tour, attendance of members at legislative conference for new members - expenses, how paid
- Section 21.200 - Expenses of visiting committees
- Section 21.210 - Allowance of accounts
- Section 21.220 - Expenses paid out of what fund
- Section 21.230 - Contingent expenses, how controlled
- Section 21.232 - Printing, other services for house of representatives - costs how paid - disposition of balance
- Section 21.235 - Printing, other services for the senate - costs how paid - disposition of balance
- Section 21.240 - Joint expenses, how controlled
- Section 21.250 - Statutes, how authenticated when passed over veto, effective, when
- Section 21.260 - Appropriations to be itemized
- Section 21.270 - Governor to return bills when general assembly recesses for more than fifteen and less than thirty days
- Section 21.280 - Local laws, how passed
- Section 21.290 - Notice
- Section 21.300 - By whom signed, where published
- Section 21.310 - Proof of publication
- Section 21.320 - Notice to be attached to bill
- Section 21.330 - Mechanical roll call for house authorized
- Section 21.340 - Requirements for mechanical roll call
- Section 21.350 - Visual record board required
- Section 21.360 - Voting for another member - penalty
- Section 21.370 - Oaths, by whom administered
- Section 21.380 - Depositions
- Section 21.390 - Presiding officer may issue commission to take depositions
- Section 21.400 - Subpoenas shall be issued - attested, how
- Section 21.410 - Writs and process may be issued
- Section 21.420 - Lobbyists not to go upon the floor of the house or senate - penalty
- Section 21.430 - Disturbance of committee, how punished
- Section 21.440 - [Repealed]
- Section 21.445 - [Repealed]
- Section 21.450 - [Repealed]
- Section 21.455 - [Repealed]
- Section 21.460 - [Repealed]
- Section 21.465 - [Repealed]
- Section 21.475 - [Repealed]
- Section 21.485 - [Repealed]
- Section 21.487 - Public institutions of higher education funding formula, joint committee to develop and implement