Miss. Code § 97-3-54.11

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
Section 97-3-54.11 - Victims of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation Fund; creation, funding, distribution; convening of committee to develop strategic plan to coordinate state's response to victims; member terms
(1) There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be known as the "Victims of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation Fund." The administration and regulation of the fund shall be vested in the Office of the Attorney General, and shall consist of:
(a) Monies appropriated by the Legislature;
(b) The interest accruing to the fund;
(c) Monies received under the provisions of Section 99-19-75;
(d) Monies received from the federal government;
(e) Donations to the fund;
(f) Assessments collected pursuant to Section 83-39-31;
(g) All other monies received by the state from every source for the support of shelters for victims of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation; and
(h) Monies received from such other sources as may be provided by law.
(2) The monies in the fund shall be distributed by the Office of the Attorney General, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to fund and assist human trafficking shelters, commercial sexual exploitation shelters and victim service providers under the provisions of Sections 97-3-54.10 through 97-3-54.13. Not more than ten percent (10%) of the monies from the fund may be used for administrative expenses and other expenses related to carrying out the provisions of Sections 97-3-54.10 through 97-3-54.13; however, the total amount used for administrative and related expenses during a state fiscal year shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).
(3) Within six (6) months of July 9, 2020, the Office of the Attorney General shall convene a committee comprised of persons described in this subsection (3) to develop a strategic plan to coordinate the state's response to victims of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, to include the administration and disbursement of funds for the support and assistance of service providers.

The committee members shall serve two (2) year terms. The committee shall consist of seven (7) members, who shall be appointed as follows:

(i) One (1) person to be appointed by the Governor;
(ii) One (1) person to be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor;
(iii) One (1) person to be appointed by the Speaker of the House;
(iv) One (1) person to be appointed by the Attorney General;
(v) One (1) person to be appointed by the Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety;
(vi) One (1) person to be appointed by the board of a victim services provider; and
(vii) One (1) person to be appointed by the Commissioner of the Department of Child Protection Services.
(4) By January 5 of each year, the Office of the Attorney General shall provide an itemized financial report to the Legislature and the State Auditor of all expenditures, statistical data regarding services that has provided, and a report of all service activity with geographical description.
(5) Nothing in Sections 97-3-54.10 through 97-3-54.13 shall be construed to limit the ability of a human trafficking shelter, commercial sexual exploitation shelter or victim services provider from soliciting private donations or community support. Any funds raised by a shelter or program described in Sections 97-3-54.10 through 97-3-54.13 from private donations or community support shall not be subject to the requirements described in Sections 97-3-54.10 through 97-3-54.13.

Miss. Code § 97-3-54.11

Added by Laws, 2020, ch. 493, HB 1559,§ 2, eff. 7/8/2020.