Miss. Code § 83-11-19
Within two (2) working days after receipt of a timely request for a hearing, the commissioner or his officially appointed designee shall call a hearing upon at least seven (7) days' notice to the parties. Each insurer licensed to do in this state the kind of business which is subject to this article shall maintain on file with the commissioner the name and address of the person authorized to receive notices pursuant to this article on behalf of the insurer.
The commissioner or his designated representative who conducted the hearing shall, at the conclusion thereof or not later than two (2) days thereafter, issue his written findings to the parties. If he finds for the named insured, he shall either order the insurer to rescind its notice of cancellation or, if the date cancellation is to be effective has elapsed, order the policy reinstated or renewed. Such order shall operate retroactively only to cover a period not to exceed twenty (20) days from the date cancellation otherwise would have been effective, and prospectively from the date on which the order was issued; provided, however, that no policy shall be reinstated or renewed while the named insured is in arrears in payment of premiums on such policy. If the commissioner or his representative finds for the insurer, his written order shall so state . Reinstatement of a policy under this section shall not operate in any way to extend the expiration, termination, or anniversary date provided in the policy. Renewal of a policy shall be for a term of one (1) year from the expiration date of the prior policy, and otherwise shall contain the same coverage, terms, and contractual provisions contained in said prior policy.
Miss. Code § 83-11-19