Miss. Code § 79-17-13
Three (3) or more producers of agricultural products in the State of Mississippi who may desire that they, their associates, and successors shall come under this chapter and enjoy its benefits may enter into articles of association and incorporation, which shall set forth the name of the organization, the period of its existence (which shall be for not more than ninety-nine (99) years), its domicile, and that it is to be organized and operated under this chapter. Such articles shall be in duplicate and signed and acknowledged by all those named therein and filed with the Secretary of State of Mississippi. Upon the receipt of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) as a recording fee, the Secretary of State shall file both of said copies, endorsing thereon over his official signature the filing and the date thereof. Thereupon and by such filing and indorsement, said association described in the said articles shall be and become a complete and valid corporation without capital stock and without individual liability on the part of the organizers, their associates and successors, who may become members of such incorporated association, or on the part of the directors and officers of such organization, notwithstanding indebtedness be incurred by said corporation and it be without capital stock. Such articles when so filed shall be the charter of such corporation. Upon the filing and endorsement of the articles as aforesaid, the Secretary of State shall return one (1) of said copies of said articles to said corporation, which shall have the same recorded in the record of charters in the office of the clerk of the chancery court of the county in which the principal office or place of business of such corporation is located, and the Secretary of State shall retain the other copy of said articles for his files and record it and said endorsements thereon in the records of charters in his office. Such articles may be amended by the same procedure except that the proposed amendment shall be signed by two (2) executive officers, only after authority given by the vote of a majority of the members present at any membership meeting duly called and held; provided, however, that notice of such meeting and a statement of the substance of the proposed amendment to the articles of association and incorporation shall be mailed or delivered by hand to all members of the incorporated association at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of such meeting. The recording fee for an amendment to such articles shall be Twenty Dollars ($20.00).
Miss. Code § 79-17-13