Section 73-25-55 - Referral of physician to examining committee(1) If the state board of medical licensure has reasonable cause to believe that a physician licensed to practice medicine in this state is unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients because of a condition described in Section 73-25-53, such board of medical licensure shall cause an examination of such physician to be made as described in subsection (2) of this section and shall, following such examination, take appropriate action within the provisions of Sections 73-25-51 through 73-25-67.(2) Examination of a physician under this section shall be conducted by an examining committee as provided in the following: (a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) below, the board of medical licensure shall refer all cases for such examination to the Mississippi State Medical Association or its constituent bodies for examination by an examining committee as created by such association exclusively for the purpose of such examinations. Such examining committee shall be composed of three (3) practicing physicians and shall include at least one (1) psychiatrist if a question of mental illness is involved.(b) If the physician to be examined is not a member of the Mississippi State Medical Association, or if the Mississippi State Medical Association is unable or unwilling to act on a referral by the board of medical licensure for examination, the board shall designate the members of an examining committee. Such examining committee shall be composed of three (3) practicing physicians and shall include at least one (1) psychiatrist if a question of mental illness is involved.Laws, 1975, ch. 504, § 3; Laws, 1980, ch. 458, § 21, eff. 7/1/1980.