Section 73-21-191 - Penalty for noncompliance with Sections 73-21-175 through 73-21-189(1) The State Board of Pharmacy may impose a monetary penalty on pharmacy benefit managers for noncompliance with the provisions of the Pharmacy Audit Integrity Act, Sections 73-21-175 through 73-21-189, in amounts of not less than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per violation and not more than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) per violation. The board shall prepare a record entered upon its minutes which states the basic facts upon which the monetary penalty was imposed. Any penalty collected under this subsection (1) shall be deposited into the special fund of the board.(2) The board may assess a monetary penalty for those reasonable costs that are expended by the board in the investigation and conduct of a proceeding if the board imposes a monetary penalty under subsection (1) of this section. A monetary penalty assessed and levied under this section shall be paid to the board by the licensee, registrant or permit holder upon the expiration of the period allowed for appeal of those penalties under Section 73-21-101, or may be paid sooner if the licensee, registrant or permit holder elects. Money collected by the board under this subsection (2) shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund of the board.(3) When payment of a monetary penalty assessed and levied by the board against a licensee, registrant or permit holder in accordance with this section is not paid by the licensee, registrant or permit holder when due under this section, the board shall have the power to institute and maintain proceedings in its name for enforcement of payment in the chancery court of the county and judicial district of residence of the licensee, registrant or permit holder, or if the licensee, registrant or permit holder is a nonresident of the State of Mississippi, in the Chancery Court of the First Judicial District of Hinds County, Mississippi. When those proceedings are instituted, the board shall certify the record of its proceedings, together with all documents and evidence, to the chancery court and the matter shall be heard in due course by the court, which shall review the record and make its determination thereon in accordance with the provisions of Section 73-21-101. The hearing on the matter may, in the discretion of the chancellor, be tried in vacation.(4) The board shall develop and implement a uniform penalty policy that sets the minimum and maximum penalty for any given violation of board regulations and laws governing the practice of pharmacy. The board shall adhere to its uniform penalty policy except in those cases where the board specifically finds, by majority vote, that a penalty in excess of, or less than, the uniform penalty is appropriate. That vote shall be reflected in the minutes of the board and shall not be imposed unless it appears as having been adopted by the board. Laws, 2012, ch. 479, § 3, eff. 7/1/2012.