Miss. Code § 57-21-11
The laboratory shall be organized as necessary to properly conduct the program responsibilities and purposes outlined generally in Section 57-21-9 and specifically stated in various state laws. A minimum of four (4) divisions as described below is authorized; extra major divisions needed to organize the laboratory work may be established by the State Chemist.
The guiding principle in such services shall be that they contribute to the economic growth and development of Mississippi or to the welfare of its citizens, and that major projects shall be self-supporting but nonprofit.
This division may perform such services using its own resources, or it may arrange for additional technical aid, consultation by other university faculty members, and use of facilities, services, or equipment of other university departments on a reimbursement basis. Any such arrangement shall always be established with the approval of the university administration.
Agricultural analyses for individual citizens may be charged on a cost basis. Fees for services shall be established by regulations by the State Chemist.
Services may be provided to other state agencies on an equivalent-cost exchange basis. The agency shall be invoiced for the cost of services as negotiated between the laboratory and the agency. Any special equipment required to conduct such services shall be a part of the assessed charge.
All such services of this division may be made available to any state agency, firm, or individual only as far as personnel, funds, and equipment permit. The division reserves the right to refuse any services which interfere with other functions of the laboratory or which may generate a conflict of interest.
Miss. Code § 57-21-11