Section 53-1-47 - Penalty for violations(a)(i) Any person, who, for the purpose of evading the provisions of Sections 53-1-1 through 53-1-47, inclusive, or any rule, regulation or order made thereunder, shall make or cause to be made any false entry, statement of fact or omission in any report required by such sections or by any rule, regulation or order thereunder or in any account, record or memorandum kept in connection with the provisions thereof or who, for such purpose, shall mutilate, alter, conceal or falsify any such report, account, record or memorandum, shall be subject to a penalty of not more than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) per day for each day of such violation to be assessed by the board. In determining the amount of the penalty, the board shall consider the factors specified in subsection (d) of this section. Such penalties shall be assessed according to the procedures set forth in subsection (b) of this section.(ii) Any person, who, for the purpose of evading the provisions of Sections 53-1-1 through 53-1-47, inclusive, or any rule, regulation or order made thereunder, shall intentionally make or cause to be made any false entry, statement of fact or omission in any report required by said sections or by any rule, regulation or order thereunder or in any account, record or memorandum kept in connection with the provisions thereof or who, for such purpose, shall mutilate, alter, conceal or falsify any such report, account, record or memorandum shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject, upon conviction in any court of competent jurisdiction, to a fine of not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or imprisonment for a term of not less than ten (10) days nor more than six (6) months for each such violation, or both such fine and imprisonment.(b) Any person who violates any provision of Sections 53-1-1 through 53-1-47, inclusive, or Sections 53-3-1 through 53-3-33, and 53-3-39 through 53-3-165, or any lawful rule, regulation or order of the board made hereunder, shall, in addition to any penalty for such violation that is otherwise provided for herein, be subject to a penalty of not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) per day for each day of such violation to be assessed by the board. When any charge is filed with the board charging any person with any such violation, the board shall conduct an adjudicative proceeding in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Law. Such proceeding shall be held by not less than three (3) members of the board and a unanimous verdict of all members hearing such charge shall be necessary for conviction and in the event of a conviction all members of the board hearing such cause must agree on the penalty assessed. Except as otherwise authorized in Section 7-5-39, the Attorney General, by his designated assistant, shall represent the board in all such proceedings. If he represents the board, the Attorney General shall also designate a member of his staff to present evidence and proof of such violation in the event such charge is contested.
All penalties assessed by the board under the provisions of this section shall have the force and effect of a judgment of the circuit court and shall be enrolled in the office of the circuit clerk and execution may be issued thereon. All such penalties paid or collected shall be paid to the State Treasurer for credit to the Special Oil and Gas Board Fund.
Any person adjudged guilty of any such violation shall have the right of appeal in accordance with the provisions of Section 53-1-39.
The payment of any penalty as provided herein shall not have the effect of changing illegal oil into legal oil, illegal gas into legal gas or illegal product into legal product, nor shall such payment have the effect of authorizing the sale or purchase or acquisition or the transportation, refining, processing or handling in any other way of such illegal oil, illegal gas or illegal product.
(c) Any person who aids or abets any other person in the violation of any provision of Sections 53-1-1 through 53-1-47, inclusive, or Sections 53-3-1 through 53-3-21, inclusive, or any rule, regulation or order made thereunder, shall be subject to the same penalties as are prescribed herein for the violation by such other person.(d) In determining the amount of the penalty under subsection (a), (b) or (c) of this section, the board shall consider at a minimum the following factors: (i) The willfulness of the violation;(ii) Any damage to water, land or other natural resources of the state or their users;(iii) Any cost of restoration and abatement;(iv) Any economic benefit to the violator as a result of noncompliance;(v) The seriousness of the violation, including any harm to the environment and any harm to the health and safety of the public; and(vi) Any prior violation by such violator.(e) The board is authorized to utilize the provisions of Section 85-7-132 to enforce penalties provided by this section.Codes, 1942, § 6132-28; Laws, 1948, ch. 256, § 15; Laws, 1982, ch. 485, § 24; Laws, 1989, ch. 570, § 1; reenacted, Laws, 1990, ch. 357, § 24; reenacted without change, Laws, 1991, ch. 340, § 24; Laws, 1997, ch. 482, § 3; Laws, 2007, ch. 325, § 2; Laws, 2012, ch. 546, § 22, eff. 7/1/2012.