Miss. Code § 49-7-80
No person shall stock, place, release or cause to be released into any of the public waters of the state any aquatic species without first obtaining a permit from the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks. No person shall release or cause to be released within this state, any animal not indigenous to Mississippi without first obtaining a permit from the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks. The department may issue or deny a permit after it completes a study of the species to determine any detrimental effect the species might have on the environment.
The department shall establish and maintain a list of approved, restricted and prohibited species and establish rules governing importation, possession, sale and escape of those species.
This section shall not prohibit the practice of catch and release of native fish species or the release of native fish bait species.
A person violating this section is guilty of Class I violation and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in Section 49-7-141.
Miss. Code § 49-7-80