- Section 41-57-3 - State registrar of vital records; safeguarding of records
- Section 41-57-5 - State may be divided into registration districts
- Section 41-57-7 - Board of health to formulate a system for gathering statistics
- Section 41-57-8 - [Death certificate when death presumed pursuant to Sec. 13-1-23]
- Section 41-57-9 - Certificates of registrar to be prima facie evidence
- Section 41-57-11 - Payment for birth and death certificates
- Section 41-57-13 - Corrections and amendments to death certificates; lists of deaths to be furnished to county registrar and county election commissioners
- Section 41-57-14 - Social security numbers of parents required to file birth certificate
- Section 41-57-15 - Board of supervisors may appropriate funds for perfecting registration of records
- Section 41-57-17 - [Repealed]
- Section 41-57-19 - Proceedings to adjudicate true date of birth of person whose birth was not registered
- Section 41-57-21 - Proceedings to correct incomplete birth certificate or birth certificate having incorrect first name, middle name, place or sex
- Section 41-57-23 - Proceedings to correct birth certificate containing major deficiencies
- Section 41-57-25 - Birth certificate furnished free to armed forces volunteer
- Section 41-57-26 - Death certificate of person who was an honorably discharged U.S. Armed Forces veteran or who was killed or died during active duty service furnished without charge
- Section 41-57-27 - Penalty
- Section 41-57-29 - [Repealed]
- Section 41-57-31 - Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth issued upon request of parent; parents to be notified of availability of and procedure for obtaining certificate; contents of certificate