Miss. Code § 37-68-11

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
Section 37-68-11 - Eligibility requirements

To be eligible under this grant program, a school shall:

(a) Prioritize first the purchase of products listed in Section 37-68-5(h)(i). Schools shall equip every student with a grade-appropriate device, as recommended by the department, before incurring the other expenses listed in Section 37-68-5(h)(ii) or (iii), which shall receive next priority after the products listed in Section 37-68-5(h)(i);
(b) Match twenty percent (20%) of the funds received under this grant program with monies received by the school from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund or any funds made available to a school district or charter school for such purposes from any federal, state, public or private entity;
(c) Purchase products from vendors listed on the EPL, if using funds under this grant program, unless the school can demonstrate, to the department, that the products it purchases from vendors not listed on the EPL:
(i) Meet or exceed the technological specification and functionality required by the department; and
(ii) Can be purchased at a price that is less than any of the prices listed on the EPL for a comparable product;
(d) Submit the original, itemized receipt of purchase or an authentic copy of the receipt with its request for reimbursement;
(e) Secure insurance and submit proof of insurance for any items to be reimbursed under this program;
(f) Develop and submit to the department, by September 1, 2020:
(i) A distance learning plan, establishing an appropriate and achievable plan by the school to develop, implement and maintain distance learning capabilities with a focus on device procurement and connectivity to the internet for students and teachers. A school's distance learning plan shall make specific provision for its students with special needs, including the purchase of appropriate devices and equipment;
(ii) With the understanding that this grant program is being funded with one-time federal funds, a technology sustainability plan addressing how devices and other technology purchased and used by the school, and students, teachers and other administrators and staff, will be maintained throughout their usage and replaced before the expiration of the term of their expected useful life without additional state funds; and
(iii) A responsible use policy, addressing the use of devices and other technology purchased under this grant program. The policy shall include a provision requiring students, parents or guardians, teachers, administrators and other staff to agree in writing to the provisions in the policy, and may include fines for intentional loss or damage to devices. The policy shall also include a provision acknowledging that the school shall assume the control of ownership and liability for personal devices and other equipment purchased under this grant program until the personal device or other equipment:
1. No longer serves the school or related school purposes for which it was acquired and is sold by public auction under Section 17-25-25;
2. Is sold to students in Grade 12 under the provisions of Section 37-7-459; or
3. Is traded in to a vendor as part of a subsequent purchase; and
(g) Compile and maintain an inventory list of all devices purchased and issued to students, teachers and administrators and other staff, as well as any supporting technology or equipment used to support the school's distance learning plan.

Miss. Code § 37-68-11

Added by Laws, 2020, ch. 488, SB 3044,§ 7, (became law without the Governor's signature on July 9, 2020).