Section 33-7-309 - Control of unlawful assemblies(a) Before using military forces in the dispersion of any riot, tumult, mob, or other lawless or unlawful assembly, or combination mentioned in this chapter, it shall be the duty of the civil officer calling out such military force, or some other conservator of the peace, of if none be present, then of the officer in command of the troops, or some person by him deputed to command persons composing such riotous, tumultuous, or unlawful assemblage or mob, to disperse and retire peacefully to their respective abodes and businesses; but, in no case, shall it be necessary to use any set or particular form or words in ordering the dispersion of any riotous, tumultuous or unlawful assembly; nor shall any such command be necessary where the officer or person, in order to give it, would necessarily be put in imminent danger of loss of life, or great bodily harm, or where such unlawful assembly or riot is engaged in the commission or perpetration of any forcible and atrocious felony, or in assaulting or attacking any civil officer, or person lawfully called to aid in the preservation of the peace, or is otherwise engaged in actual violence to any person or property.(b) Any person or persons, composing or taking part in any riot, tumult, mob or lawless combination or assembly, mentioned in this chapter, who, after being duly commanded to disperse as hereinbefore provided in this section, wilfully and intentionally fails to do so, is guilty of a felony, and must, on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less than one (1), nor more than two (2) years.©) Any person who unlawfully assaults or fires at, or throws any missile at, against, or upon any member or body of the militia or National Guard, or civil officer, or other person lawfully aiding them, when assembling or assembled for the purpose of performing any duty under the provision of this section, must, on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less than two (2) years, nor more than five (5) years.(d) If any portion of the militia or National Guard, or person lawfully aiding them in the performance of any duty under the provisions of this section, are assaulted, attacked, or are in imminent danger thereof, the commanding officer of such militia or National Guard need not await any orders from any civil magistrate, but may at once proceed to quell such attack, and take all other needful steps for the safety of his command.(e) Whenever any shot is fired, or missile thrown, at or upon any body of the National Guard or militia in the performance of any duty under the provisions of this section it shall forthwith be the duty of every person in the assemblage from which the shot is fired, or missile thrown, immediately to disperse or retire therefrom, without awaiting orders to do so. Any person knowing or having reason to believe that a shot has been fired, or missile thrown, from any assemblage of which such person forms a part, or where he is present, and failing, without lawful excuse to retire immediately from such assemblage, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and must on conviction be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than one (1) month, nor more than one (1) year, and any person so remaining in such assemblage after being duly commanded to disperse, is guilty of a felony, and must, on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less than one (1) year, nor more than two (2) years.(f) Any commander of any military forces of the state engaged in dispersing any mob, or persons engaged in riot or tumult, may place any person or persons in the immediate vicinity of such mob or persons in protective custody and remove them to and hold them at any military installation within the state for a period not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours. However, all such persons shall at their request at the end of such forty-eight (48) hour period be returned to any city or town within the county from which removed.Codes, 1942, § 8519-85; Laws, 1966, ch. 539, § 56, eff. 6/1/1966.