Article 11 - NOMINATIONS
- Section 23-15-291 - Nomination for state, district, county and county district office to be by primary election
- Section 23-15-293 - Voting for and nomination of candidates for state, state district and legislative offices by counties or parts of counties within the districts
- Section 23-15-295 - Withdrawal of candidate
- Section 23-15-296 - Written notification to Secretary of State
- Section 23-15-297 - Fee required to be paid upon entering race for party nomination; determination of entry fee; publication of entry fee
- Section 23-15-299 - Time for payment of fee; written statement to accompany fee; recordation and disbursement of fee; determination of candidate's qualifications; declaration of nominee in single candidate race
- Section 23-15-300 - Residency requirements for certain candidates for municipal, county or county district offices; applicability of section
- Section 23-15-301 - Payment of election expenses
- Section 23-15-303 - Each political party or organization to hold independent primary election
- Section 23-15-305 - Majority vote required for nomination; run-off elections
- Section 23-15-307 - Nomination as condition of being placed on general election ballot and holding office
- Section 23-15-309 - Nomination for elective municipal office to be made at primary election; fee requirements; determination of candidate's qualifications
- Section 23-15-311 - Payment of municipal primary election expenses
- Section 23-15-313 - Selection of temporary executive committee in municipality not having party executive committee; notice to public; county executive committee to serve as municipal executive committee under certain circumstances; person convicted of felony barred from serving as member of municipal executive committee
- Section 23-15-315 - Publication of notice to public
- Section 23-15-317 - Nomination of nominee when vacancy in nomination occurs between primary election and general election; procedure for withdrawal based upon legitimate nonpolitical reason
- Section 23-15-319 - Applicability of chapter to municipal primary elections