Miss. Code § 21-23-11
The clerk of the municipality shall be the clerk of the municipal court, unless the governing authorities shall otherwise elect. The clerk of the court shall attend the sittings of the court in person or by duly appointed deputies, and he shall be under the direction of the municipal judge. The governing authorities may authorize the municipal judge to appoint other municipal employees as deputy clerks of the court to assist the clerk of the court in the conduct of the court's responsibilities or the governing authorities may appoint deputy clerks of the court. The authorization to appoint and/or appointment of deputy clerks of the court shall be entered in the minutes of the municipality. A police officer of the municipality may be the clerk of the court or a deputy clerk of the court. The governing authorities shall provide for the training of court personnel.
The clerk of the court shall keep permanent dockets, upon which all cases shall be entered; said docket shall contain the style of the case and the nature of the charge against an accused, and the names of witnesses for the prosecution and defendant. The clerk of the court shall also keep a minute record in which all orders and judgments shall be entered. One (1) record may serve as both the docket record and minute record. The clerk of the court or deputy clerk of the court shall issue all process from the court, except arrest warrants or process for the seizure of persons and property, and shall administer the collection of all fines, penalties, fees and costs imposed by the court and deposit all collections with the municipal treasurer or equivalent officer. The clerk of the court shall purchase all dockets, minute record, stationery and other supplies for the municipal court, and have the account allowed by the municipal judge; the order allowing the same shall be entered upon the minutes, and the municipal authorities shall pay the same. The clerk of the court and deputy clerks of the court shall have power to take acknowledgments, administer any oaths required by law to be taken by any person, and take affidavits charging any crime against the municipality or state.
When the municipal judge is unavailable, persons charged with the commission of misdemeanor violations within the municipality may be brought before the clerk of the court for initial appearances required by the Mississippi Uniform Criminal Rules of Circuit Court Practice where the clerk of the court has satisfactorily completed a course of training and education on this subject conducted by the Mississippi Judicial College of the University of Mississippi Law Center and the municipal judge has established written guidelines and procedures for the clerk of the court to discharge this function. Such guidelines shall be entered in the minutes of the court and be deemed a public record and made available to defendant or counsel.
Miss. Code § 21-23-11