Miss. Code § 19-1-45
Hancock County is bounded as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of township four, south, range fourteen, west, and thence west to the southeast corner of township four, south, range sixteen, west; thence south on the range line nine miles to the southeast corner of section thirteen, township six, south of range sixteen, west; thence west to the northeast corner of section twenty-one, township six, south, of range sixteen, west; thence south to the southeast corner of said section twenty-one, township six, south, of range sixteen, west; thence west to the northwest corner of section thirty, township six, south, of range sixteen, west; thence south along range line between range sixteen and range seventeen to the southeast corner of section one, township seven, south, of range seventeen, west; thence west to Pearl River; thence down said river by the middle thereof to the most eastern junction of said river with Lake Borgne and thence south to the southern boundary of the state; thence eastwardly with said boundary including all islands within six leagues of the shores of the Gulf of Mexico and Lake Borgne to a point due south of the middle of the entrance of the Bay of St. Louis, thence north to the middle of said entrance; thence northwardly along the middle of the Bay of St. Louis to the range line between ranges thirteen and fourteen, thence north along said range line to the point of beginning. The county site is Bay St. Louis.
Miss. Code § 19-1-45