Minn. Stat. § 103E.401
If the commissioner purchases wetlands under section 97A.145, the commissioner must recognize that when a majority of landowners or owners of a majority of the land in the watershed petition for a drainage outlet, the state should not interfere with or unnecessarily delay the drainage proceedings if the proceedings are conducted according to this chapter.
After the construction of a drainage project, a public or private drainage system that drains property not assessed for benefits for the established drainage system may not be constructed to use the established drainage system as an outlet without obtaining express authority from the drainage authority having jurisdiction over the drainage system proposed to be used as the outlet. This section is applicable to the construction of a public or private drainage system that outlets water into an established drainage system regardless of the actual physical connection.
A person seeking authority to use an established drainage system as an outlet must petition the drainage authority. When the petition is filed, the drainage authority in consultation with the auditor shall set a time and location for a hearing on the petition and shall give notice by mail and notice by publication of the hearing. The auditor must be paid the actual costs for the hearing notices by the petitioner.
At the hearing the drainage authority shall consider the capacity of the outlet drainage system. If express authority is given to use the drainage system as an outlet, the drainage authority shall state, by order, the terms and conditions for use of the established drainage system as an outlet and shall set the amount to be paid as an outlet fee. The order must describe the property to be benefited by the drainage system and must state the amount of benefits to the property for the outlet. The property benefited is liable for assessments levied after that time in the drainage system, on the basis of the benefits as if the benefits had been determined in the order establishing the drainage system.
A private drainage system may not be constructed to use the established drainage system as an outlet until the outlet fee, set by order, is paid by the petitioner to the county treasurer where the petitioner's property is located.
The outlet fee for a proposed drainage project is a part of the cost of the proposed drainage project and is to be paid by assessment against the property benefited by the proposed drainage project, under section 103E.601, and credited to the established drainage system account.
Minn. Stat. § 103E.401
1990 c 391 art 5 s 60; 2010 c 298 s 4