Minn. Stat. § 103C.331
A soil and water conservation district is a governmental and political subdivision of this state, and a public body, corporate and politic, and has the following powers in addition to any others prescribed by law.
The supervisors may invite the legislative body of a municipality or county in the district to designate a representative to advise and consult with the supervisors of the district on questions of program and policy that may affect the property, water supply, or other interests of the municipality or county.
A district may conduct surveys, investigations, and research to identify the problems and preventive practices specified in section 103C.005.
A district may publish its comprehensive plan and the results of its surveys, investigations, and research and may disseminate information to the public concerning any of its activities.
A district may conduct demonstration projects within the district on lands owned or administered by a state agency, with the cooperation of the administering agency, and on other lands with the consent of the land occupier, to demonstrate practices which implement the state policy specified in section 103C.005.
A district may implement any necessary practices within the district, including structural measures and works of improvement to achieve the purposes of this chapter and fulfill other statutory responsibilities, on:
A district may cooperate or enter into agreements with and furnish financial or other aid to a land occupier or appropriate agency to implement this chapter and fulfill other statutory responsibilities, subject to conditions the district board determines are necessary.
A district may acquire any rights or interests in real or personal property by option, purchase, exchange, lease, gift, grant, bequest, devise, or otherwise. It may maintain, operate, administer, and improve any properties acquired. It may receive income from the properties and expend the income to implement this chapter and fulfill other statutory responsibilities. It may sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any of its property or interests.
A district may make available, on terms it prescribes, to land occupiers within the district agricultural and engineering machinery and equipment, fertilizer, seeds, seedlings, and other material or equipment that helps land occupiers implement practices on their land to implement this chapter and fulfill other statutory responsibilities.
A district may construct, install, improve, maintain, and operate structures and works necessary or convenient to perform an operation authorized under this chapter and other statutory authority.
A district may sue and be sued in its name, have perpetual succession unless terminated as provided in section 103C.225, make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers, and make, amend, or repeal rules and regulations consistent with this chapter and other statutory authority.
As a condition for extending benefits for the performance of work, including operations and maintenance, upon lands not owned or administered by a public agency or the district, the district may require compensation or contributions in money, services, materials, or otherwise, commensurate with the cost or reasonable value of the operations or work conferring the benefits.
The district shall annually present a budget consisting of an itemized statement of district expenses for the ensuing calendar year to the boards of county commissioners of the counties in which the district is located. The county boards may levy an annual tax on all taxable real property in the district for the amount that the boards determine is necessary to meet the requirements of the district. The amount levied shall be collected and distributed to the district as prescribed by chapter 276. The amount may be spent by the district for a district purpose authorized by law.
A district may appropriate funds to provide membership in state and national associations that have as their purpose the betterment and improvement of soil and water conservation district operations. A district may participate through designated representatives in the meetings and activities of the associations. A district may appropriate funds to defray the actual and necessary expenses of its representatives in connection with the associations' membership. The expenses may be paid only upon the presentation of a verified itemized claim.
A district may procure liability insurance as provided in section 466.06, automobile insurance on personal cars while used on official business, insurance on the contents of district offices, and workers' compensation insurance, or may require the counties in which the district is located to include the district in the counties' insurance coverage for these purposes.
A district may accept delegation from the state, a county, or a city of authority to administer soil and water conservation-related official controls, as defined in section 103B.305, subdivision 7, of the county or city. Prior to the delegation, the district and the state, county, or city agreement must include provisions that:
In implementing its authorities, a district shall cooperate as far as possible with federal, state, and local agencies and with private organizations in order to avoid duplication and to enhance implementation of public and private conservation initiatives within its jurisdiction.
A district may initiate, construct, operate, and maintain water and soil resource management practices, projects, programs, and systems within the boundaries of the district and use, supplement, or otherwise coordinate contributions from state, federal, Tribal, or local governments and private entities for similar purposes.
The district may obtain loans when the district determines it is prudent to accomplish its statutory duties.
Minn. Stat. § 103C.331
1990 c 391 art 3 s 19; 1992 c 450 s 1; 2003 c 104 s 25-28