Minn. Stat. § 168.1285
The commissioner must issue Minnesota agriculture special plates or a single motorcycle plate to an applicant who:
In consultation with the commissioner of agriculture, the commissioner must adopt a suitable plate design that includes a depiction of lands and activity related to agriculture.
On application to the commissioner and payment of a transfer fee of $5, special plates issued under this section may be transferred to another motor vehicle if the subsequent vehicle is:
Special plates issued under this section are not subject to section 168.1293, subdivision 2.
Contributions collected under subdivision 1, clause (4), must be deposited in the Minnesota agriculture account, which is established in the special revenue fund. Money in the account is appropriated to the commissioner of public safety. This appropriation is first for the annual cost of administering the account funds, and the remaining funds are for distribution to (1) the Minnesota FFA Foundation to support the mission of the foundation, and (2) the University of Minnesota Extension Service to support Minnesota 4-H programming and activities. The commissioner must annually consult with the Minnesota FFA Foundation and the University of Minnesota Extension Service for recommendations regarding how to allocate funds.
Minn. Stat. § 168.1285