Minn. Stat. § 332A.12
Every registrant must keep, and use in the registrant's business, such books, accounts, and records, including electronic records, as will enable the commissioner to determine whether the registrant is complying with this chapter and of the rules, orders, and directives adopted by the commissioner under this chapter. Every registrant must preserve such books, accounts, and records for at least six years after making the final entry on any transaction recorded therein. Examinations of the books, records, and method of operations conducted under the supervision of the commissioner shall be done at the cost of the registrant. The cost must be assessed as determined under section 46.131.
On or before March 15 of each calendar year, each registrant must file a report with the commissioner containing such information as the commissioner may require about the preceding calendar year. The report must be in a form the commissioner prescribes.
Each registrant must maintain and must make available records and accounts that will enable each debtor to ascertain the amounts paid to the creditors of the debtor. A statement showing amounts received from the debtor, disbursements to each creditor, amounts which any creditor has agreed to accept as payment in full for any debt owed the creditor by the debtor, charges deducted by the registrant, and such other information as the commissioner may prescribe, must be furnished by the registrant to the debtor at least monthly and, in addition, upon any cancellation or termination of the contract. In addition to the statements required by this subdivision, each debtor must have reasonable access, without cost, by electronic or other means, to information in the registrant's files applicable to the debtor. These statements, records, and accounts must otherwise remain confidential except for duly authorized state and government officials, the commissioner, the attorney general, the debtor, and the debtor's representative and designees. Each registrant must prepare and retain in the file of each debtor a written analysis of the debtor's income and expenses to substantiate that the plan of payment is feasible and practicable.
Minn. Stat. § 332A.12
2007 c 57 art 3 s 55; 2008 c 210 s 7