Minn. Stat. § 327B.07
Each dealer is responsible for the activities of any person employed by or acting on behalf of that dealer when the activities occur in connection with the sale or attempted sale of a manufactured home. Each corporation licensed as a dealer is responsible for the activities of any person employed by or acting on behalf of the corporation when such activities occur in connection with the sale or attempted sale of a manufactured home.
Every dealer shall report in writing to the commissioner the full name, date of birth, business and home address of every salesperson employed by the dealer. Within ten days of hiring, firing or otherwise changing the employment status of a salesperson, the dealer shall notify the commissioner in writing. No salesperson shall work for more than one dealer during the same time period.
Minn. Stat. § 327B.07
1982 c 526 art 1 s 7; 1983 c 142 s 7