Minn. Stat. § 365.125
An ordinance must be enacted by a majority vote of all the members of the town board unless a larger number is required by law. An ordinance must be signed by the chair of the town board and attested by the clerk. An ordinance must have a title and must begin with words like "The board of supervisors of the town of ......... ordains:".
An ordinance must be published once in a qualified newspaper having general circulation in the town. The whole ordinance must be published unless the town board decides that publishing its title and a summary of it clearly tells the public of its intent and effect. The text of the ordinance, if published, must be in body type no smaller than brevier or 8-point type.
The town board must approve the words in the summary. The decision to publish only the title and a summary must be made by a two-thirds vote of a three-member board and a four-fifths vote of a five-member board. A notice must be published with the summary. The notice must say that a printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the clerk's regular office hours and at another named place. The publishing of the title and summary is legally the same as publishing the whole ordinance.
A copy of the whole ordinance must be posted in the community library, if there is one. If there is no library, the whole ordinance must be posted in another public place that the town board names.
An ordinance must be recorded in the town's ordinance book within 20 days after the ordinance, or its title and summary, is published. Proof of publication must be attached to the recorded ordinance.
Minn. Stat. § 365.125
1984 c 562 s 13; 1986 c 444; 1987 c 229 art 8 s 1; 1995 c 186 s 75