Minn. Stat. § 237.411
For the purpose of this section, "business customer" means a customer subscribing to four or more business lines.
A "competitive area" is an exchange located in Minnesota.
The rates, prices, tariffs, or charges to a business customer in a competitive area by a telephone company or a telecommunications carrier offering local service are only subject to sections 237.07, subdivision 1; 237.66; and 237.663, and are not subject to any rules imposing rate or price restrictions beyond those sections or to other order or investigation of local rates under section 237.081. A telephone company or telecommunications carrier subject to this subdivision is not required to file specific price information. However, upon request of the department, the commission, or the Office of Attorney General, a telephone company or telecommunications carrier must demonstrate that its pricing complies with subdivision 4.
This subdivision applies to prices governed by subdivision 3. A telephone company must not price its local telephone services, whether offered singly or as part of a bundle of services, below the total service long-run incremental cost of providing the service or services.
Minn. Stat. § 237.411
2004 c 261 art 6 s 1, 5; 2005 c 10 art 1 s 80; 2008 c 277 art 1 s 30; 2009 c 57s 1, 4; 2010 c 247 s 1