Current through 2024, c. 127
Section 82C.05 - LICENSE RENEWALSubdivision 1.Term.Licenses renewed under this chapter are valid for a period of 12 months.
Subd. 2.Timely renewal.(a) Application for timely renewal of a license is considered timely filed if received by the commissioner before the date of the license expiration.(b) An application for renewal is considered properly filed if made upon a form prescribed by the commissioner, accompanied by fees prescribed by this chapter, and containing any information the commissioner requires.(c) A licensee failing to make timely application for renewal of the license is unlicensed until the renewal license has been issued by the commissioner and is received by the licensee.Subd. 3.Contents of renewal application.Application for the renewal of an existing license must contain the information specified in section 82C.03. However, only the requested information having changed from the most recent prior application need be submitted.
Subd. 4.Cancellation.A licensee ceasing an activity or activities regulated by this chapter and desiring to no longer be licensed shall so inform the commissioner in writing and, at the same time, surrender the license and all other symbols or indicia of licensure.