Minn. Stat. § 245G.21
A license holder who provides supervised room and board at the licensed program site as a treatment component is defined as a residential program according to section 245A.02, subdivision 14, and is subject to this section.
A client must be allowed to receive visitors at times prescribed by the license holder. The license holder must set and post a notice of visiting rules and hours, including both day and evening times. A client's right to receive visitors other than a personal physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant; religious adviser; county case manager; parole or probation officer; or attorney may be subject to visiting hours established by the license holder for all clients. The treatment director or designee may impose limitations as necessary for the welfare of a client provided the limitation and the reasons for the limitation are documented in the client's file. A client must be allowed to receive visits at all reasonable times from the client's personal physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or physician assistant; religious adviser; county case manager; parole or probation officer; and attorney.
A license holder who provides room and board and treatment services to a client in the same facility, and any license holder that accepts client property must meet the requirements for handling client funds and property in section 245A.04, subdivision 13. License holders:
A license holder who provides room and board and treatment services in the same facility must have the appropriate license from the Department of Health.
A license holder must establish and enforce an ongoing facility abuse prevention plan consistent with sections 245A.65 and 626.557, subdivision 14.
A license holder must prepare an individual abuse prevention plan for each client as specified under sections 245A.65, subdivision 2, and 626.557, subdivision 14.
A license holder must have written procedures for assessing and monitoring a client's health, including a standardized data collection tool for collecting health-related information about each client. The policies and procedures must be approved and signed by a registered nurse.
A license holder must meet the administration of medications requirements of section 245G.08, subdivision 5, if services include medication administration.
Minn. Stat. § 245G.21