Subdivision 1.Good cause for failure to comply.The county agency shall not impose the sanction under section 142G.70 if it determines that the participant has good cause for failing to comply with the requirements of sections 142G.51 to 142G.53, 142G.55 to 142G.59, and 142G.71. Good cause exists when:
(1) appropriate child care is not available;(2) the job does not meet the definition of suitable employment;(3) the participant is ill or injured;(4) a member of the assistance unit, a relative in the household, or a foster child in the household is ill and needs care by the participant that prevents the participant from complying with the employment plan;(5) the participant is unable to secure necessary transportation;(6) the participant is in an emergency situation that prevents compliance with the employment plan;(7) the schedule of compliance with the employment plan conflicts with judicial proceedings;(8) a mandatory MFIP meeting is scheduled during a time that conflicts with a judicial proceeding or a meeting related to a juvenile court matter, or a participant's work schedule;(9) the participant is already participating in acceptable work activities;(10) the employment plan requires an educational program for a caregiver under age 20, but the educational program is not available;(11) activities identified in the employment plan are not available;(12) the participant is willing to accept suitable employment, but suitable employment is not available;(13) the participant documents other verifiable impediments to compliance with the employment plan beyond the participant's control; or(14) the documentation needed to determine if a participant is eligible for family stabilization services is not available, but there is information that the participant may qualify and the participant is cooperating with the county or employment service provider's efforts to obtain the documentation necessary to determine eligibility. The job counselor shall work with the participant to reschedule mandatory meetings for individuals who fall under clauses (1), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8).