The commissioner of children, youth, and families must award grants for Grow Your Own Early Childhood Educator programs established under this section in order to develop an early childhood education workforce that more closely reflects the state's increasingly diverse student population and ensures all students have equitable access to high-quality early educators.
Grant recipients must annually report to the commissioner in the form and manner determined by the commissioner on their activities under this section, including the number of educators supported through grant money and the number of educators obtaining credentials by type. Data must indicate the beginning level of education and ending level of education of individual participants and an assessment of program effectiveness, including participant feedback, areas for improvement, and employment changes and current employment status, where applicable, after completing preparation programs. The commissioner must publish a report for the public that summarizes the activities and outcomes of grant recipients and what was done to promote sharing of effective practices among grant recipients and potential grant applicants.
Minn. Stat. § 142D.33