Minn. Stat. § 142D.30
The retaining early educators through attaining incentives now (REETAIN) grant program is established to provide competitive grants to incentivize well-trained child care professionals to remain in the workforce. The overall goal of the REETAIN grant program is to create more consistent care for children over time.
The commissioner shall administer the REETAIN grant program through a grant to a nonprofit with the demonstrated ability to manage benefit programs for child care professionals. Up to ten percent of grant money may be used for administration of the grant program.
Applicants must apply for the REETAIN grant program using the forms and according to timelines established by the commissioner.
Grant awards must be made annually and may be made up to an amount per recipient determined by the commissioner. Grant recipients may use grant money for program supplies, training, or personal expenses.
By January 1 each year, the commissioner must report to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over child care about the number of grants awarded to recipients and outcomes of the grant program since the last report.
Minn. Stat. § 142D.30