Any overpayment for assistance granted under chapters 142E and 142G and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), except agency error claims, become a judgment by operation of law 90 days after the notice of overpayment is personally served upon the recipient in a manner that is sufficient under rule 4.03(a) of the Rules of Civil Procedure for district courts, or by certified mail, return receipt requested. This judgment shall be entitled to full faith and credit in this and any other state.
This section is limited to overpayments for which notification is issued within the time period specified under section 541.05.
A judgment is only obtained after:
The notice of overpayment shall include the amount and cause of the overpayment, appeal rights, and an explanation of the consequences of the judgment that will be established if an appeal is not filed timely or if the administrative hearing decision establishes that there is an overpayment that qualifies for judgment.
A judgment shall be entered and docketed under section 548.09 only after at least three months have elapsed since:
On or after the date an unpaid overpayment becomes a judgment by operation of law under subdivision 1, the agency or public authority may file with the court administrator:
Overpayment judgments may be renewed by service of notice upon the debtor. Service must be by first class mail at the last known address of the debtor, with service deemed complete upon mailing in that manner designated, or in the manner provided for the service of civil process. Upon filing of the notice and proof of service, the court administrator shall administratively renew the judgment for the overpayment without any additional filing fee in the same court file as the original overpayment judgment. The judgment must be renewed in an amount equal to the unpaid principal plus the accrued unpaid interest. Overpayment judgments may be renewed multiple times until satisfied.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to impede or restrict alternative recovery methods for these overpayments or overpayments that do not meet the requirements of this section.
Minn. Stat. § 142A.22