Section 280.40 - TAXES COLLECTED BY SHERIFF APPLIED IN INVERSE ORDERWhen the sheriff shall pay into the county treasury rents collected, as provided in section 280.38, the same shall be applied in the inverse order to that in which such taxes were levied, crediting the same as follows:
(1) against penalties, interest, and costs upon the last delinquent taxes, (2) against such taxes as levied; and the same procedure shall be followed for each year's delinquent taxes until such payments have been exhausted. When, under section 280.38, a year's taxes are partially paid, interest shall be charged thereafter only upon the unpaid balance. In case of part payment of the taxes for any year, the land affected shall remain, as to the unpaid balance, subject to sale, redemption, forfeiture, and all other proceedings respecting delinquent taxes in like manner as for a full year's taxes.