Minn. Stat. § 276A.06
The county auditor shall determine the net tax capacity of each governmental unit within the county in the manner prescribed by this section.
The net tax capacity of a governmental unit is its net tax capacity as determined in accordance with other provisions of law including section 469.177, subdivision 3, subject to the following adjustments:
The county auditor shall apportion the levy of each governmental unit in the county in the manner prescribed by this subdivision. The auditor shall:
In 1997 and subsequent years, the county auditor shall divide that portion of the levy determined pursuant to subdivision 3, clause (2), by the net tax capacity of the governmental unit, taking section 469.177, subdivision 3, into account, less that portion subtracted from net tax capacity pursuant to subdivision 2, clause (1). The resulting rate applies to all taxable property except commercial-industrial property, which must be taxed in accordance with subdivision 7.
On or before August 25, 1997, and each subsequent year, the county auditor shall certify to the administrative auditor the preliminary portion of the levy of each governmental unit determined pursuant to subdivision 3, clause (1). The administrative auditor shall then determine the areawide tax rate sufficient to yield an amount equal to the sum of the levies from the preliminary areawide net tax capacity. On or before September 1, the administrative auditor shall certify the areawide tax rate to each of the county auditors.
If a governmental unit is located in two or more counties, the computations and certifications required by subdivisions 3 to 5 with respect to it must be made by the county auditor who is responsible for allocating its levies between or among the affected counties.
The areawide tax rate determined in accordance with subdivision 5 applies to each commercial-industrial property subject to taxation within a municipality, including property located within any tax increment financing district, as defined in section 469.174, subdivision 9, to that portion of the net tax capacity of the item which bears the same proportion to its total net tax capacity as 40 percent of the amount determined pursuant to sections 276A.04 and 276A.05 is to the amount determined pursuant to section 276A.03. The rate of taxation determined in accordance with subdivision 4 applies in the taxation of the remainder of the net tax capacity of the item.
The administrative auditor shall determine for each county the difference between the total levy on distribution value pursuant to subdivision 3, clause (1), including the school fund allocation within the county and the total tax on contribution value pursuant to subdivision 7, within the county. On or before May 16 of each year, the administrative auditor shall certify the differences so determined and the county's portion of the school fund allocation to each county auditor. In addition, the administrative auditor shall certify to those county auditors for whose county the total tax on contribution value exceeds the total levy on distribution value the settlement the county is to make to the other counties of the excess of the total tax on contribution value over the total levy on distribution value in the county. On or before June 15 and November 15 of each year, each county treasurer in a county having a total tax on contribution value in excess of the total levy on distribution value shall pay one-half of the excess to the other counties in accordance with the administrative auditor's certification. On or before June 15 and November 15 of each year, each county treasurer shall pay to the administrative auditor that county's share of the school fund allocation. On or before December 1 of each year, the administrative auditor shall pay the school fund allocation to the commissioner of Iron Range resources and rehabilitation for deposit in the Iron Range schools and community development account.
In any year in which the highest classification rate for class 3a property changes from the rate in the previous year, the following adjustments shall be made to the procedures described in sections 276A.04 to 276A.06:
For the purpose of computing fiscal capacity under section 276A.01, subdivision 12, a municipality's taxable market value must be adjusted to reflect the reductions to net tax capacity effected by subdivision 2, clause (1), provided that in determining the taxable market value of commercial-industrial property or any class thereof within a municipality, the reduction required by this subdivision is that amount which bears the same proportion to the amount subtracted from the municipality's net tax capacity pursuant to subdivision 2, clause (1), as the taxable market value of commercial-industrial property, or such class thereof, located within the municipality bears to the net tax capacity of commercial-industrial property, or such class thereof, located within the municipality. No adjustment shall be made to taxable market value for the increase in net tax capacity under subdivision 2, clause (2).
Minn. Stat. § 276A.06
1996 c 471 art 11 s 8; 1Sp2001 c 5 art 3 s 57; 2013 c 143 art 14 s 40; 2014 c 150 art 6 s 5-7; 2014 c 308 art 5 s 1, 2; art 10 s 12