Minn. Stat. § 504B.147
This section applies to a residential lease that provides a time period for the landlord to give notice to quit the premises or notice of a rent increase that is different than the time period the tenant is required to give for notice of intention to quit the premises. For purposes of this section, "notice to quit" includes a notice of nonrenewal of a lease.
The tenant may give notice of an intention to quit the premises using either:
The landlord may not give a notice to quit the premises or notice of a rent increase that is shorter than the time period the lease provides for the tenant to give notice of an intention to quit the premises.
The requirements of this section may not be waived or modified by the parties to a residential lease. Any provision, whether oral or written, of a lease or other agreement by which any provision of this section is waived by a tenant is contrary to public policy and void.
Minn. Stat. § 504B.147