Minn. Stat. § 527.405
In support of a real property transaction where an interest in real property is held in a custodianship, a custodian shall furnish to the grantee or other party to the transaction an affidavit attesting that:
An affidavit under this section must be substantially in the following form:
State of Minnesota
County of.............................
........., being first duly sworn on oath says, that:
(insert legal description here)
Affiant knows the matters herein stated are true and makes this affidavit for the purpose of inducing the passing of title to the real property.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ...., 20..
Notary Public
This instrument was drafted by ..........................
An affidavit by a custodian under this section is conclusive proof that the custodian has not resigned or been removed as custodian prior to executing the conveyance and that the custodianship has not terminated, or that if the custodianship has terminated, the conveyance is to the minor or to the personal representative of the minor's estate. However, the affidavit is not conclusive as to a party dealing directly with the custodian who has actual knowledge that the custodian has resigned or been removed or that the custodianship has terminated and the conveyance is not to the minor or the personal representative of the minor's estate.
Minn. Stat. § 527.405
2002 c 403 s 5