Section 137.0246 - REGENT NOMINATION AND ELECTIONSubdivision 1.[Repealed by amendment, 2007 c 144 art 2 s 46]
Subd. 2.Regent nomination joint committee.(a) The joint legislative committee consists of the members of the higher education budget and policy divisions in each house of the legislature. The chairs of the divisions from each body shall be cochairs of the joint legislative committee. A majority of the members from each house is a quorum of the joint committee.(b) By February 28 of each odd-numbered year, or at a date agreed to by concurrent resolution, the joint legislative committee shall meet to consider the advisory council's recommendations for regent of the University of Minnesota for possible presentation to a joint convention of the legislature.(c) The joint committee may recommend to the joint convention candidates recommended by the advisory council and the other candidates nominated by the joint committee. A candidate other than those recommended by the advisory council may be nominated for consideration by the joint committee only if the nomination receives the support of at least three house of representatives members of the committee and two senate members of the committee. A candidate must receive a majority vote of members from the house of representatives and from the senate on the joint committee to be recommended to the joint convention. The joint committee may recommend no more than one candidate for each vacancy. In recommending nominees, the joint committee must consider the needs of the board of regents and the balance of the board membership with respect to gender, racial, and ethnic composition.2005 c 107 art 2 s 50; 2007 c 144 art 2 s 46; 2009 c 95 art 2s 33